HCM: Links
- last update: 04.2022 -
Apple History:
Every Product Apple Has Made So Far

very nice looking overview of every single Apple product ever made, Thanks Lily for pointing me here!
Microsoft History:
History of Microsoft and the Evolution of Windows

A Brief History of Microsoft and the Evolution of Windows, Thanks Adrian & Kelsey for pointing me here!
Frank Salomon:
A private Collection of Homecomputer

very large collection (357 items in 09'01), many good pictures, infos and links, trade area
Highlights: C65, TI99/4, Yamaha CX-5, Bit 90
Ren� Speranza and other:

group of french collectors, very large collection (320 items in 09'01), many pictures
Highlights: Acorn Atom, Micronique Hector, Hanimex Pencil II, Indata DAI
Matto and Buggy :
Advanced Retrocomputing Environment

large collection (215 items in 09'01), good pictures, some interesting articles online
Highlights: Olivetti Prodest PC128, Toshiba HX-51
Philippe Dubois:
Mus�e d'Histoire Informatique

large collection (176 items in 09'01), many pictures, infos and links, Head of the "Computers, Videogames and Arcade Collector's Ring", french page
Highlights: many french machines

Manu P�rssinen and other:
The Arctic Computer & Console Museum

a newcommer - rapidly growing collection (166 items including videogames in 09'01) with the best web-design of any historic computer related pages!!!
Highlights: Salora Manager, Salora Fellow
Boris Jakubaschk & Ralph Salm

large collection (131 items in 09'01), good pictures
Tom Copper:
Exhibit Computer

large collection (120 items in 2'98), cool overview pictures
Christian Zahn:
Das virtuelle Computermuseum

large collection (118 items in 12'99), many pictures, infos on most machines, some nice animated screens and also PCB scans, pages are in german
Highlights: C65, Stacy, PET2001, Timex 2048
Kevan Heydon:
Kevan's Computer Bits

small collection (68 items in 09'01), many pictures, few information, fully databased, very few updates
Highlights: ZX-80, LISA
Johannes Groener:
Computer Sammlung

medium collection (72 items in 2'98), nice pictures, nice bootup-videos, but very slow site
Curt Vendel:
Atari Prototypes & Vaporwares

very small collection (atari only), many pictures of ultra rare prototypes.
Stephan Slabihoud:
The Dot Eaters / The Number Crunchers

very nice pages - main focus is the history of HomeComputer and VideoGames - very good information but in german only. (English translation - work in progress)
Sascha Hoogen:
8-Bit Nirvana

very nice home computer overview, more than 200 items, many pictures of different quality, good information but in german only.
Alexios Chouchoulas:
The Machine Room

computer database with 723 items (09'01), many pictures of different quality, good information and links
Thierry Schembri & Olivier Boisseau:

very nice pages, good pictures
Il mio angolo

computer database with more than 360 items (09'01), many pictures of different quality, good information and links. (English & Italian)
Johannes Groener

computer database with countless items, no pictures some information
Matthias Jaap:
Die Geschichte der Heimcomputer

computer database with 250 items (09'01), some pictures of different quality, good information and links
other ressources:
Andr� Eymann:
Happy Computer Online

Full scan of the german magazin "Happy Computer". Right now issue "January 1984" with 134 pages is available including all advertisements!